18th January

I went back to the tutorial used to help me build the door component to figure out why the proximity box stopped working and fixed this issue. 

I have multiple assignment deadlines and presentation over the next few days so I will continue to research and build components when possible. I will then record my video, running through the components I have, my challenges and the changes I would make if I were to do this project again. 

Unfortunately, I have not been as successful with this project as I would have liked. I have found it very difficult to source answers to some of my issues when completing the tasks. I think I have done well with documenting my process and struggles but not so well at over coming them. If I were to do this project again I would begin the project by creating a schedule and time management plan compiling all of my assignments and work commitments. If i had done this I think I would dedicated more time early on to this project, then I would have found the issues I faced much sooner with more time to overcome them and make use of class sessions. I like to figure out solutions on my own and can sometimes be reluctant to ask for help, this project has proven to me that I need to take better advantage of the resources and lectures in order to get the necessary help when I do find myself struggling in order to progress. 

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